Varnish Mottler From Guldberg

13,95 17,95 

Delivery time: 2-4 days


Handcrafted brush for varnish. Suitable for all types of paint and transparent varnish. Genuine light Chinese bristles and unlacquered handle.

The Modler belongs to the group of flat brushes. Flat brushes are set in broad sheets. Flat brushes also have the ability to take and hold more paint and also allow more paint to be easily spent.

This brush, due to its shape, is particularly suitable for handling large flat areas such as doors.

We carry the mottler or flat wide brush in two different sizes.

The brushes available in our shop are made of light and flexible natural hair. The bristles are carefully sorted, cleaned and boiled, and least twice, which gives the hair bristles their softness and stability. We only use high-quality bristle brushes in our production. Thus, the bristles are approximately the same length. This way there is no need to give them any more support than they already have. This method also preserves and easily allows the individually parted hairs to maintain their position, thus ensuring an even paint application.